Useful Links about Florence, Tuscany and Italy
Tuscany.Org - Directory of resources about Tuscany, has a review of LaPaggeria.
Florence - Lodging Guide of Florence, Italy, has reviews of b&b, apartments, farmhouses in and outside Florence.
Johanna & Johlea Antiche Dimore Firenze - B&B in Florence Center.
B&B il Terrazzo - in Orvieto, Umbria
Italy Magazine - The N.1 magazine for lovers of all things Italian. Visit the site for exclusive articles on Italy, italian lessons and active forums.
Have some fun at the Il Gigante Adventure Park, located in Pratolino very close to La Paggeria.
International Accommodation
British Columbia B&Bs - Direct contacts, descriptions, photos and maps for 2,000+ B&Bs in British Columbia, Canada.
Mohawk Motel Canada Massey - The Mohawk Motel Canada in Massey, Ontario is an outstanding B & B like motel with superior service. We are located in Ontario between Sault St.Marie and Sudbury.
Mohawk Motel Ontario in Massey - Massey's Mohawk Motel Ontario well known for the best service & outstanding rooms, which view a quiet & tranquil backyard with a beautiful picnic area under old trees. Canada Select 3 stars.
Bed and Breakfast HQ - Categorized resource directory for everything about bed and breakfasts.
British Columbia B&Bs - Direct contacts, descriptions, photos and maps for 2,000+ B&Bs in British Columbia, Canada.
Paris hotels - Huge savings on hotels in Paris
International Travel Resources
GUIDE AROUND the WORLD - Interesting articles and useful links are to be your guide to the world - full of miracles and paradoxes.
British Holiday Cottages - Country holidays and walking holidays, whether to the beautiful countryside of England, Wales, Scotland or Ireland
Travel Victoria Accommodation Guide - Accommodation and travel directory for Victoria, Australia, including tourist information, attractions and photographs
Russ Weddings - Weddings resources!
Links for Gourmets
Portobello Food Company Online Italian deli